The Reconstruction of Jindas Village - Arch.Shahed Atieh

Jindas was the closest village to Lod, and the city's gateway for those coming from the north. 
The village was occupied by the Zionists in July 1948. Jindas was characterized by its cereal and citrus orchards. The occupation completely destroyed the village, and nothing remained except the historical Bridge. This bridge, was built from stones during the rule of the Mamluk Sultan al-Zahir Baybars,and it is considered an evidence of the development of Mamluk architecture in Palestine.
it is 30 meters long, 13 meters wide and 6.5 meters high, and is still in use today.

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About the association

The association was established in 2022 as a collaborative collective effort by a group of young Palestinian architects, who believe in the importance of architecture as a method to revive the past, change reality and build the future.

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